Distance working arrangements and employee effectiveness

Distance working arrangements and employee effectiveness

Covid-19  and its impact?

Covid-19 has transformed organizational operations into a different platform where human
resource management has also been informed. with the social distancing, quarantine regulations and so on, physical working conditions were also restricted and as a result, several HR practices had to be changed accordingly. Therefore, distance working arrangements were activated by
most of the companies in order to ensure that the organizational activities continued
without any disturbance. 

Flexibility at work 

It emphasizes that employees are given the flexibility to work at home by providing exceptional guidance by the organizations and each department (shrm.org, 2022). With the distance working arrangements, the employees are privileged to perform their work irrespective of the location where they are based as long as assigned tasks are performed and thereby travelling restrictions and other issues can be minimized through assigning stipulated work responsivities with timelines.

productivity and the efficiency

However, it can be noticed that communication gaps prevailing among employees, superiors, and subordinates would create complications for the work conditions, thereby creating work quality issues and productivity. On the other hand, there is no stipulated way in which productivity and the efficiency of the employees can be monitored which would create an impact to work effectively as well.

Conversely, this would also lead to miscommunications between peer-level employees since several employee engagements and collective participation for several jobs cannot be performed affecting overall effectiveness (mckinsey.com, 2021) Hence, 

it can be identified that work-from-home arrangements or distance working arrangements would be effective for several jobs categories such as software engineering, preparation of accounts and so on, 

The level of effectiveness would get affected by the requirement for employee collaboration in the work as well as the convenience of connecting with each other (apollotechnical.com, 2022). 

Therefore, as a human resource team, it is required to identify the job descriptions of each employee and to establish the proper method to monitor the active performance time of the employees remotely to ensure that the company will receive the desired amount of quality working time from the employee. Moreover, it is required to strengthen the IT infrastructure such as the internet, an online communication platform, computers and so on to facilitate the employees to perform their work



(2022). [Online]
Available at: https://www.apollotechnical.com/working-from-home-productivity-statistics/
[Accessed 5 12 2022].
mckinsey.com, 2021. What employees are saying about the future of remote work. [Online]

Available at: https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/people-and-organizational-
[Accessed 5 12 2022].
shrm.org, 2022. Managing Flexible working arrangements. [Online]
Available at: https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/tools-and-
[Accessed 5 12 2022]. 



  1. Much needed topic after covid impact, and most of teh companies are moving towards this, and in my opinion the quality of the work can be affected based on the nature of business and the environment


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