Impact of perception on employee interviewing process

 Impact of perception on employee interviewing process

Perception can be regarded as a process by which individuals organize and interpret their

sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment. Therefore, individuals tend

to accumulate several information regarding other employees or any other organizational

instance and such information is interpreted as well as evaluated in order to create a proper

response towards them (Bigelow, 2022) .

There are several factors which would influence towards the perception. Past experience of the

individuals would affect towards creating a perception and the perception would also get

changed in line with the motivation or the objective of the individual. Further, mood of the

individual would affect towards the perception and the personality of the employees would

create implications for the perception (Bigelow, 2022) .

Implications of perception would affect towards the employee recruitment process as well as

following perceptional implications would affect towards the interviewing process of the

employees which can be comprehensively discussed as follows.

Halo Effect

when an individual draws a general impression about another person based on a single

characteristic, such as intelligence, sociability, or appearance.


Several perceptions would create early judgements regarding several tasks or individuals

limiting several things to a stipulated category such as good athletes would create good


Contrast effect

The employees tend to be evaluated or compared with the other person instead of evaluating

the stipulated person individually. Therefore, perception tend to be changed based on the

other thing or person who is used for the comparison purposes (, 2022) .


Analysis of psychological and behavioural characteristics of the employees in order to predict

their capabilities for a stipulated category and identifying several categories of people

(, 2020) .

Therefore, effectiveness of the recruitment and interviewing process would be challenged due

to these concerns.

References, 2022. What is contrast effect?. [Online]

Available at:



[Accessed 7 12].

Bigelow, L., 2022. Examples of Workplace Perception & Conflict Issues. [Online]

Available at:


[Accessed 7 12 2022]., 2020. Employee Profiling: Everything You Need to Know!. [Online]

Available at:

[Accessed 7 12 2022].


  1. Staff absenteeism is decreased, organizational commitment is increased, performance is enhanced, turnover is decreased, and job satisfaction is increased when employee perceptions are taken into account. One method for raising the standard of workplace life has been frequently advocated: increasing employees' perceptions.

  2. The overall performance of an organization is highly based on the quality of the people the organization can attract and choose to work for the organization.


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